10 Linear Regression Models in R

Your journey as a model builder in R will start from studying linear models and the use of the lm function.

10.1 A simple linear regression model

You analyze Ford dealership data as registered in Milwaukee, September/October 1990. Data on 62 credit card applicants are available, including the car purchase price \(Y\) and the applicant’s annual income \(X\). Data are available in the .csv file car_price.

You first load the data.

path <- file.path('data')
path.car <- file.path(path, "car_price.csv")
car_price <- read.csv(path.car)

Then you explore the data.

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   7200   11850   14500   15416   18500   28000 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  15000   30500   40950   45190   55500  102000 
# average
[1] 15416
[1] 45190
# standard deviation
[1] 5040.4
[1] 20873
# the 5-th and 95-th percentiles
quantile(price, c(0.05, 0.95))
   5%   95% 
 7830 25900 
quantile(income, c(0.05, 0.95))
   5%   95% 
18150 85700 
# histograms of price and income
# density histogram for 'price'
hist(price, br = 20, xlim = c(5000, 30000), col="grey", freq=FALSE)
lines(density(price), col=4)

# frequency histogram for 'income/1000'
hist(income/1000, br=10, xlab="income (in $000's)", xlim=c(0, 120), col="grey")

# scatter plot 'income/1000' versus 'price'
plot(income/1000, price, pch=21, cex=1.2, xlab="income (in $000's)")


Explore the data with ggplot.

ggplot(car_price, aes(x = income/1000, y = price)) +
  theme_bw() +
  geom_point(shape=1, alpha = 1/2) + 
`geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'

You will now fit a simple regression model with income as predictor to purchase price. That is:

\[\begin{eqnarray*} Y_i &=& \beta_0+\beta_1 \cdot x_i +\epsilon_i, \end{eqnarray*}\] where \(Y_i\) is the car price for observation \(i\), \(x_i\) the corresponding income and \(\epsilon_i\) an error term. \(\beta_0\) is the intercept and \(\beta_1\) the slope.

Recall that fitting a (simple) linear regression model implies minimizing the residual sum of squares. That is:

\[\begin{eqnarray*} (\hat{\beta}_0,\ \hat{\beta}_1) = \min_{\beta_0, \beta_1} \sum_{i=1}^n \left(Y_i - (\beta_0+\beta_1 \cdot x_{i})\right)^2, \end{eqnarray*}\] and the fitted values are then specified as \(\hat{y}_i=\hat{\beta}_0+\hat{\beta}_1\cdot x_{i}\). The corresponding residuals are then defined as \(\hat{\epsilon}_i = y_i - \hat{y}_i\).

You assign the output of the lm function to the object lm1.

lm1 <- lm(price ~ income, data = car_price)

lm(formula = price ~ income, data = car_price)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
 -5365  -1185   -251   1334   6284 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 5.87e+03   7.50e+02    7.82  9.8e-11 ***
income      2.11e-01   1.51e-02   14.01  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 2460 on 60 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.766, Adjusted R-squared:  0.762 
F-statistic:  196 on 1 and 60 DF,  p-value: <2e-16
# check attributes of object 'lm1'
 [1] "coefficients"  "residuals"     "effects"       "rank"         
 [5] "fitted.values" "assign"        "qr"            "df.residual"  
 [9] "xlevels"       "call"          "terms"         "model"        
# some useful stuff: 'coefficients', 'residuals', 'fitted.values', 'model'
(Intercept)      income 
 5866.33390     0.21132 
        1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8 
 -719.290  1146.822  4329.836  3258.062 -3649.431  -483.570  4144.823 -1206.051 
        9        10        11        12        13        14        15        16 
 -664.585   480.710  6284.374 -1040.023 -4383.403 -1262.670 -4421.372  4273.216 
       17        18        19        20        21        22        23        24 
-1373.761    33.583 -1051.346 -1102.387  1392.034 -1836.192    54.316   167.554 
       25        26        27        28        29        30        31        32 
 -257.092  -877.824  3124.091  1427.921   367.554 -2355.177    77.679 -2462.670 
       33        34        35        36        37        38        39        40 
 1159.977  -274.078   732.384 -2707.167 -2566.817 -1120.805  5129.669  2895.864 
       41        42        43        44        45        46        47        48 
 1111.484  2197.613  1971.301  -883.403  3129.669  1744.823  1026.006   142.908 
       49        50        51        52        53        54        55        56 
-3653.428   190.119 -1616.575 -1085.318 -1866.501 -4379.739  1980.943   -40.023 
       57        58        59        60        61        62 
 3735.415 -1000.472  -672.079  -245.684 -1087.233 -5364.585 
      1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10 
14319.3  9353.2  9670.2 14741.9 11149.4 22983.6 16855.2 12206.1 15164.6 14319.3 
     11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20 
21715.6 12840.0 11783.4 13262.7 27421.4 10726.8 23173.8 11466.4 13051.3 19602.4 
     21      22      23      24      25      26      27      28      29      30 
14108.0  9036.2 12945.7 10832.4 18757.1 17277.8 15375.9 11572.1 10832.4 16855.2 
     31      32      33      34      35      36      37      38      39      40 
15122.3 13262.7 12840.0 19074.1 15967.6 11107.2 12966.8 14720.8 20870.3 10304.1 
     41      42      43      44      45      46      47      48      49      50 
25688.5 19602.4 12628.7 11783.4 20870.3 16855.2 13474.0 18757.1 26153.4 16009.9 
     51      52      53      54      55      56      57      58      59      60 
 9416.6 13685.3 17066.5 19179.7 24019.1 12840.0 15164.6 17700.5 11572.1 12945.7 
     61      62 
15587.2 15164.6 

To visualize this linear model fit you can use the built-in plot function, applied to object lm1.

# use built-in plot function
# you may have noticed that we have used the function plot with all kinds of arguments: 
# one or two variables, a data frame, and now a linear model fit;
# in R jargon plot is a generic function; it checks for the kind of object that you # are plotting and then calls the appropriate (more specialized) function to do the work.

Or you can construct your own plots, e.g. by adding the least squares line to the scatter plot.

# add the regression line to the scatter plot
plot(car_price$income, car_price$price, pch=21, cex=1.2, xlab = "income", main = "Simple linear regression")
# add LS line like this
abline(lm1, col="blue", lwd=2)
# or like this
abline(lm1$coefficients[1], lm1$coefficients[2])

Similarly, you can illustrate the fit with ggplot.

ggplot(car_price, aes(x = income, y = price)) + 
 theme_bw() +
 geom_point(shape=1, alpha = 1/2) + 
 geom_smooth()+geom_abline(intercept = lm1$coef[1], slope = lm1$coef[2],   colour="red", size=1.25) 
`geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'

The least squares fit minimizes the sum of the squares of the vertical distances between the observed response values and the least squares line (or plane). You now graphically illustrate what vertical distance means.

plot(car_price$income, car_price$price, pch=21, cex=1.2, xlab = "income", main = "Simple linear regression")
abline(lm1, col = "blue", lwd=2)
segments(car_price$income, car_price$price, car_price$income, lm1$fitted.values, lty=1)

You now return to the summary(lm1) and try to understand the (rest of the) output that is printed.


lm(formula = price ~ income, data = car_price)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
 -5365  -1185   -251   1334   6284 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 5.87e+03   7.50e+02    7.82  9.8e-11 ***
income      2.11e-01   1.51e-02   14.01  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 2460 on 60 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.766, Adjusted R-squared:  0.762 
F-statistic:  196 on 1 and 60 DF,  p-value: <2e-16

Recall that in a general linear model \(Y = X\beta + \epsilon\) where \(E[\epsilon]=0\) and \(\text{Var}(\epsilon)=\sigma^2 I\) with \(I\) the identity matrix, the following estimator is used for the variance of the error terms \[\begin{eqnarray*} s^2 &=& \frac{1}{n-(p+1)}(Y-X\hat{\beta})^{'}(Y-X\hat{\beta}), \end{eqnarray*}\] where \(\beta = (\beta_0, \beta_1, \ldots, \beta_p)^{'}\).

You can recognize this in the output of lm1 as follows

error.SS <- sum(lm1$resid^2)
[1] 362851718
[1] 2459.2

The proportion of the variability in the data that is explained by the regression model is \[\begin{eqnarray*} R^2 &=& \frac{\text{Regression SS}}{\text{Total SS}} \\ &=& \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n (\hat{Y}_i-\bar{Y})^2}{\sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i-\bar{Y})^2} \\ &=& \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i-\bar{Y})^2 - \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i-\hat{Y})^2}{\sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i-\bar{Y})^2}. \end{eqnarray*}\]

total.SS <- sum((price-mean(price))^2)
[1] 1549743871
error.SS <- sum(lm1$resid^2)
[1] 362851718
# R^2?
[1] 0.76586

Finally, the output of lm1 displays the result of a so-called \(F\) test, constructed as follows:

# anova table in R?
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: price
          Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)    
income     1 1.19e+09 1.19e+09     196 <2e-16 ***
Residuals 60 3.63e+08 6.05e+06                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# F-statistic in anova and in output lm1?
lm0 <- lm(price ~ 1)
error0.SS <- sum(lm0$resid^2)

# calculate F-statistic
F <- ((anova(lm0)$"Sum Sq")-(anova(lm1)$"Sum Sq"[2]))/(anova(lm1)$"Mean Sq"[2]) 
[1] 196.26
# critical values
qf(0.95, 1, 60)
[1] 4.0012
1-pf(F, 1, 60)
[1] 0

10.2 A multiple linear regression model

You’ll now move on from simple to multiple linear regression. You model the data by McDonald and Schwing (1973) published in Technometrics. The sampled data consists of variables obtained for year 1960 for 60 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA) in the US. The goal is to relate mortality in these SMSA to explanatory variables. For each sample area, you have information concerning the age-adjusted mortality rate for all causes, expressed as deaths per 100,000 population. This will be your response variable. The list of explanatory variables is:

  • weather-related variables:
  • prec: average annual precipitation in inches
  • jant: average January temperature in degrees F
  • jult: average July temperature in degrees F
  • humid: annual average % relative humidity at 1 pm
  • scocio-economic characteristics:
  • ovr65: % of 1960 SMSA population aged 65 and older
  • popn: average household size
  • educ : median school years completed by those over 22
  • hous : % of housing units which are sound and with all facilities
  • educ : median school years completed by those over 22
  • dens : population per sq mile in urbanized areas, 1960
  • nonw : % of non-white population in urbanized areas, 1960
  • wwdrk : % of employed in white collar occupations
  • poor : % of families with income less than $3,000
  • pollutants:
  • hc : relative pollution potential of hydrocarbons
  • nox : relative pollution potential of oxides of nitrogen
  • so2: relative pollution potential of sulfur dioxides

First, you’ll load the data.

path <- file.path('data')
path.mort <- file.path(path, "pollution.csv")
mort_poll <- read.csv(path.mort)

Then, you’ll explore the data.

      prec           jant           jult          ovr65            popn     
 Min.   :10.0   Min.   :12.0   Min.   :63.0   Min.   : 5.60   Min.   :2.92  
 1st Qu.:32.8   1st Qu.:27.0   1st Qu.:72.0   1st Qu.: 7.67   1st Qu.:3.21  
 Median :38.0   Median :31.5   Median :74.0   Median : 9.00   Median :3.27  
 Mean   :37.4   Mean   :34.0   Mean   :74.6   Mean   : 8.80   Mean   :3.26  
 3rd Qu.:43.2   3rd Qu.:40.0   3rd Qu.:77.2   3rd Qu.: 9.70   3rd Qu.:3.36  
 Max.   :60.0   Max.   :67.0   Max.   :85.0   Max.   :11.80   Max.   :3.53  
      educ           hous           dens           nonw           wwdrk     
 Min.   : 9.0   Min.   :66.8   Min.   :1441   Min.   : 0.80   Min.   :33.8  
 1st Qu.:10.4   1st Qu.:78.4   1st Qu.:3104   1st Qu.: 4.95   1st Qu.:43.2  
 Median :11.1   Median :81.2   Median :3567   Median :10.40   Median :45.5  
 Mean   :11.0   Mean   :80.9   Mean   :3876   Mean   :11.87   Mean   :46.1  
 3rd Qu.:11.5   3rd Qu.:83.6   3rd Qu.:4520   3rd Qu.:15.65   3rd Qu.:49.5  
 Max.   :12.3   Max.   :90.7   Max.   :9699   Max.   :38.50   Max.   :59.7  
      poor            hc             nox             so2            humid     
 Min.   : 9.4   Min.   :  1.0   Min.   :  1.0   Min.   :  1.0   Min.   :38.0  
 1st Qu.:12.0   1st Qu.:  7.0   1st Qu.:  4.0   1st Qu.: 11.0   1st Qu.:55.0  
 Median :13.2   Median : 14.5   Median :  9.0   Median : 30.0   Median :57.0  
 Mean   :14.4   Mean   : 37.9   Mean   : 22.6   Mean   : 53.8   Mean   :57.7  
 3rd Qu.:15.2   3rd Qu.: 30.2   3rd Qu.: 23.8   3rd Qu.: 69.0   3rd Qu.:60.0  
 Max.   :26.4   Max.   :648.0   Max.   :319.0   Max.   :278.0   Max.   :73.0  
 Min.   : 791  
 1st Qu.: 898  
 Median : 944  
 Mean   : 940  
 3rd Qu.: 983  
 Max.   :1113  
# get correlation matrix
round(cor(mort_poll), 4)
         prec    jant    jult   ovr65    popn    educ    hous    dens    nonw
prec   1.0000  0.0922  0.5033  0.1011  0.2634 -0.4904 -0.4908 -0.0035  0.4132
jant   0.0922  1.0000  0.3463 -0.3981 -0.2092  0.1163  0.0149 -0.1001  0.4538
jult   0.5033  0.3463  1.0000 -0.4340  0.2623 -0.2385 -0.4150 -0.0610  0.5753
ovr65  0.1011 -0.3981 -0.4340  1.0000 -0.5091 -0.1389  0.0650  0.1620 -0.6378
popn   0.2634 -0.2092  0.2623 -0.5091  1.0000 -0.3951 -0.4106 -0.1843  0.4194
educ  -0.4904  0.1163 -0.2385 -0.1389 -0.3951  1.0000  0.5522 -0.2439 -0.2088
hous  -0.4908  0.0149 -0.4150  0.0650 -0.4106  0.5522  1.0000  0.1819 -0.4103
dens  -0.0035 -0.1001 -0.0610  0.1620 -0.1843 -0.2439  0.1819  1.0000 -0.0057
nonw   0.4132  0.4538  0.5753 -0.6378  0.4194 -0.2088 -0.4103 -0.0057  1.0000
wwdrk -0.2973  0.2380 -0.0214 -0.1177 -0.4257  0.7032  0.3387 -0.0318 -0.0044
poor   0.5066  0.5653  0.6193 -0.3098  0.2599 -0.4033 -0.6807 -0.1629  0.7049
hc    -0.5318  0.3508 -0.3565 -0.0205 -0.3882  0.2868  0.3868  0.1203 -0.0259
nox   -0.4873  0.3210 -0.3377 -0.0021 -0.3584  0.2244  0.3483  0.1653  0.0184
so2   -0.1069 -0.1078 -0.0993  0.0172 -0.0041 -0.2343  0.1180  0.4321  0.1593
humid -0.0773  0.0679 -0.4528  0.1124 -0.1357  0.1765  0.1219 -0.1250 -0.1180
mort   0.5095 -0.0300  0.2770 -0.1746  0.3573 -0.5110 -0.4268  0.2655  0.6437
        wwdrk    poor      hc     nox     so2   humid    mort
prec  -0.2973  0.5066 -0.5318 -0.4873 -0.1069 -0.0773  0.5095
jant   0.2380  0.5653  0.3508  0.3210 -0.1078  0.0679 -0.0300
jult  -0.0214  0.6193 -0.3565 -0.3377 -0.0993 -0.4528  0.2770
ovr65 -0.1177 -0.3098 -0.0205 -0.0021  0.0172  0.1124 -0.1746
popn  -0.4257  0.2599 -0.3882 -0.3584 -0.0041 -0.1357  0.3573
educ   0.7032 -0.4033  0.2868  0.2244 -0.2343  0.1765 -0.5110
hous   0.3387 -0.6807  0.3868  0.3483  0.1180  0.1219 -0.4268
dens  -0.0318 -0.1629  0.1203  0.1653  0.4321 -0.1250  0.2655
nonw  -0.0044  0.7049 -0.0259  0.0184  0.1593 -0.1180  0.6437
wwdrk  1.0000 -0.1852  0.2037  0.1600 -0.0685  0.0607 -0.2848
poor  -0.1852  1.0000 -0.1298 -0.1025 -0.0965 -0.1522  0.4105
hc     0.2037 -0.1298  1.0000  0.9838  0.2823 -0.0202 -0.1772
nox    0.1600 -0.1025  0.9838  1.0000  0.4094 -0.0459 -0.0774
so2   -0.0685 -0.0965  0.2823  0.4094  1.0000 -0.1026  0.4259
humid  0.0607 -0.1522 -0.0202 -0.0459 -0.1026  1.0000 -0.0885
mort  -0.2848  0.4105 -0.1772 -0.0774  0.4259 -0.0885  1.0000
# create dataframes
# weather related vars
mort_poll_1 <- data.frame(mort, prec, jant, jult, humid)
# socio-economic vars
mort_poll_2 <- data.frame(mort, ovr65, popn, educ, hous, dens, nonw, wwdrk, poor)
# pollution effects
mort_poll_3 <- data.frame(mort, hc, nox, so2)

# matrix scatterplots
pairs(mort_poll_1, cex=1, pch=19)

pairs(mort_poll_2, cex=0.5, pch=19)

pairs(mort_poll_3, cex=1, pch=19)


First, you fit a rather simple linear model to explain mort. That is \[\begin{eqnarray*} Y &=& \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + \epsilon_i, \end{eqnarray*}\] where \(\beta_0\) is the intercept, \(x_1\) the educ and \(x_2\) the so2.

lm1 <- lm(mort ~ educ + so2)

lm(formula = mort ~ educ + so2)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-136.56  -30.37   -7.73   34.48  148.80 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 1274.602     89.761   14.20  < 2e-16 ***
educ         -32.017      8.020   -3.99  0.00019 ***
so2            0.318      0.107    2.97  0.00432 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 50.6 on 57 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.36,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.338 
F-statistic: 16.1 on 2 and 57 DF,  p-value: 2.96e-06

You inspect the analysis-of-variance table for this linear model lm1. That is

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: mort
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)    
educ       1  59612   59612   23.26 1.1e-05 ***
so2        1  22642   22642    8.84  0.0043 ** 
Residuals 57 146054    2562                    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
lm0 <- lm(mort ~ 1)
lm_educ <- lm(mort ~ educ)
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: mort
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)    
educ       1  59612   59612    20.5  3e-05 ***
Residuals 58 168696    2909                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
F_educ <- ((anova(lm0)$"Sum Sq")-(anova(lm_educ)$"Sum Sq"[2]))/(anova(lm1)$"Mean Sq"[3]) 
[1] 23.265
F_so2 <- ((anova(lm_educ)$"Sum Sq"[2])-(anova(lm1)$"Sum Sq"[3]))/(anova(lm1)$"Mean Sq"[3]) 
[1] 8.8363

You will now use the object lm1 to construct confidence and prediction intervals for a single observation. Given a set of predictor values in \(x_0\) the predicted response is \(\hat{y}_0 = x_0^{'}\hat{\beta}\). The uncertainty in predicting the mean response is \(\text{Var}(x_0^{'}\hat{\beta})\) whereas the uncertainty in predicting the value of an observation is \(\text{Var}(x_0^{'}\hat{\beta}+\epsilon_0)\).

x0 <- data.frame(educ = 10, so2 = exp(2))
predict(lm1, x0, interval = "confidence")
     fit    lwr    upr
1 956.78 932.55 981.01
predict(lm1, x0, interval = "prediction")
     fit    lwr  upr
1 956.78 852.56 1061

For a grid of educ values, when so2 is fixed, this goes as follows:

grid <- seq(8, 15, 0.1)
x.new <- data.frame(educ = grid, so2 = exp(2))
p <- predict(lm1, x.new, se=TRUE, interval="prediction")
p1 <- predict(lm1, x.new, se=TRUE, interval="confidence")
# use `matplot` to plot the columns of one matrix against the columnsof another
matplot(grid, p$fit, lty=c(1,2,2), col=c("black", "red", "red"), type = "l", xlab = "educ", ylab = "mort", main = "Predicted mort over a range of educ, log(so2)=2")
matlines(grid, p1$fit, lty = c(1, 2, 2), col = c("black", "blue", "blue"))

# for an explanation wrt different shapes, see 
# http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/85560/shape-of-confidence-interval-for-p# redicted-values-in-linear-regression

Then you fit a linear model with all 15 variables in the dataset.

lm2 <- lm(mort ~ prec + jant + jult + humid + hc + nox + so2 + ovr65 + popn + educ + hous + dens + nonw + wwdrk + poor)
(Intercept)        prec        jant        jult       humid          hc 
 1.7640e+03  1.9054e+00 -1.9376e+00 -3.1004e+00  1.0680e-01 -6.7214e-01 
        nox         so2       ovr65        popn        educ        hous 
 1.3401e+00  8.6252e-02 -9.0654e+00 -1.0683e+02 -1.7157e+01 -6.5112e-01 
       dens        nonw       wwdrk        poor 
 3.6005e-03  4.4596e+00 -1.8706e-01 -1.6764e-01 

Now perform model selection stepwise, based on AIC.

# model selection based on AIC
lm1 <- lm(mort ~ 1)
# get AIC, mind the difference
[1] 668.92
[1]   1.00 496.65
# for linear models with unknown scale (i.e., for lm and aov), 
# -2 log L is computed from the deviance and uses a different additive constant to 
# logLik and hence AIC 

# forward search
stepAIC(lm1, list(upper = ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + hous + dens + nonw + wwdrk + poor + hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid, lower = ~ 1), direction = "forward")
Start:  AIC=496.65
mort ~ 1

           Df Sum of Sq    RSS AIC
+ nonw      1     94613 133695 467
+ educ      1     59612 168696 480
+ prec      1     59266 169041 481
+ hous      1     41592 186716 487
+ poor      1     38470 189838 488
+ log(so2)  1     37087 191221 488
+ popn      1     29149 199159 490
+ log(nox)  1     19465 208843 493
+ wwdrk     1     18518 209789 494
+ jult      1     17520 210788 494
+ dens      1     16093 212214 494
<none>                  228308 497
+ hc        1      7172 221136 497
+ ovr65     1      6960 221347 497
+ humid     1      1788 226520 498
+ jant      1       206 228102 499

Step:  AIC=466.54
mort ~ nonw

           Df Sum of Sq    RSS AIC
+ educ      1     33853  99841 451
+ log(so2)  1     31223 102471 453
+ jant      1     29835 103859 453
+ ovr65     1     21435 112259 458
+ wwdrk     1     18153 115541 460
+ dens      1     16540 117155 461
+ prec      1     16324 117371 461
+ hous      1      7264 126430 465
+ log(nox)  1      6836 126859 465
+ hc        1      5892 127803 466
<none>                  133695 467
+ jult      1      2973 130721 467
+ popn      1      2112 131582 468
+ poor      1       851 132844 468
+ humid     1        37 133658 469

Step:  AIC=451.02
mort ~ nonw + educ

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
+ log(so2)  1     18177 81664 441
+ jant      1     17453 82389 441
+ poor      1     10921 88920 446
+ log(nox)  1      8814 91027 447
+ ovr65     1      7352 92489 448
+ dens      1      7262 92579 448
+ jult      1      6836 93005 449
<none>                  99841 451
+ prec      1      2468 97373 452
+ hc        1       617 99224 453
+ humid     1       530 99312 453
+ popn      1       359 99482 453
+ hous      1       167 99674 453
+ wwdrk     1        14 99827 453

Step:  AIC=440.96
mort ~ nonw + educ + log(so2)

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
+ prec      1      9399 72266 436
+ jant      1      7885 73780 437
+ hc        1      6355 75309 438
+ ovr65     1      2770 78895 441
<none>                  81664 441
+ poor      1      2236 79428 441
+ dens      1       794 80871 442
+ humid     1       692 80973 442
+ hous      1       538 81126 443
+ log(nox)  1       312 81352 443
+ wwdrk     1       281 81383 443
+ jult      1       132 81532 443
+ popn      1         3 81661 443

Step:  AIC=435.63
mort ~ nonw + educ + log(so2) + prec

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
+ jant      1      5764 66502 433
+ poor      1      2878 69388 435
<none>                  72266 436
+ hc        1      1594 70672 436
+ log(nox)  1      1089 71177 437
+ jult      1       981 71285 437
+ dens      1       752 71513 437
+ humid     1       508 71758 437
+ wwdrk     1       405 71861 437
+ hous      1       125 72141 438
+ popn      1        70 72196 438
+ ovr65     1         2 72263 438

Step:  AIC=432.64
mort ~ nonw + educ + log(so2) + prec + jant

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
+ log(nox)  1      8313 58188 427
<none>                  66502 433
+ popn      1      1724 64778 433
+ dens      1      1455 65047 433
+ jult      1      1097 65405 434
+ humid     1       958 65544 434
+ poor      1       474 66028 434
+ hous      1        74 66428 435
+ ovr65     1        56 66446 435
+ wwdrk     1        27 66475 435
+ hc        1        25 66477 435

Step:  AIC=426.63
mort ~ nonw + educ + log(so2) + prec + jant + log(nox)

        Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
+ popn   1      2793 55396 426
<none>               58188 427
+ dens   1      1379 56810 427
+ hc     1       792 57396 428
+ jult   1        43 58145 429
+ poor   1        25 58164 429
+ humid  1        16 58172 429
+ hous   1         8 58181 429
+ wwdrk  1         6 58182 429
+ ovr65  1         0 58188 429

Step:  AIC=425.67
mort ~ nonw + educ + log(so2) + prec + jant + log(nox) + popn

        Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
<none>               55396 426
+ ovr65  1      1802 53594 426
+ hc     1      1587 53809 426
+ dens   1       570 54826 427
+ jult   1       142 55254 428
+ wwdrk  1       129 55267 428
+ poor   1        54 55341 428
+ humid  1        10 55386 428
+ hous   1         4 55392 428

lm(formula = mort ~ nonw + educ + log(so2) + prec + jant + log(nox) + 

(Intercept)         nonw         educ     log(so2)         prec         jant  
    1315.91         4.50       -19.04        -6.15         2.19        -2.86  
   log(nox)         popn  
      24.01       -73.76  
# backward search
lm1 <- lm(mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + hous + dens + nonw +
         wwdrk + poor + hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid)
stepAIC(lm1, list(upper = ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + hous + dens + nonw + wwdrk + poor + hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid, lower = ~ 1), direction = "backward")
Start:  AIC=435.55
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + hous + dens + 
    nonw + wwdrk + poor + hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- poor      1         1 50019 434
- hous      1       224 50243 434
- wwdrk     1       447 50465 434
- dens      1       448 50467 434
- humid     1       704 50723 434
- ovr65     1      1490 51508 435
- jult      1      1543 51562 435
<none>                  50019 436
- log(so2)  1      1758 51776 436
- hc        1      1879 51897 436
- educ      1      2667 52686 437
- popn      1      5218 55237 440
- jant      1      6882 56901 441
- prec      1      9111 59130 444
- nonw      1     10236 60255 445
- log(nox)  1     10651 60669 445

Step:  AIC=433.55
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + hous + dens + 
    nonw + wwdrk + hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- hous      1       386 50406 432
- dens      1       450 50469 432
- wwdrk     1       473 50492 432
- humid     1       728 50747 432
- jult      1      1561 51580 433
<none>                  50019 434
- ovr65     1      1703 51723 434
- log(so2)  1      1757 51776 434
- hc        1      1950 51969 434
- educ      1      2668 52687 435
- popn      1      5284 55304 438
- prec      1      9583 59602 442
- log(nox)  1     10672 60691 443
- jant      1     11569 61589 444
- nonw      1     13554 63573 446

Step:  AIC=432.01
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + dens + nonw + 
    wwdrk + hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- dens      1       256 50662 430
- wwdrk     1       401 50806 430
- humid     1       691 51097 431
- ovr65     1      1434 51840 432
- jult      1      1434 51840 432
<none>                  50406 432
- log(so2)  1      1774 52179 432
- hc        1      2076 52482 432
- educ      1      4067 54473 435
- popn      1      5101 55507 436
- prec      1      9231 59637 440
- log(nox)  1     10385 60791 441
- jant      1     11860 62266 443
- nonw      1     17454 67860 448

Step:  AIC=430.31
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + wwdrk + 
    hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- wwdrk     1       351 51013 429
- humid     1       752 51414 429
- jult      1      1398 52059 430
- log(so2)  1      1630 52292 430
<none>                  50662 430
- ovr65     1      1735 52397 430
- hc        1      2141 52803 431
- educ      1      4949 55610 434
- popn      1      6396 57058 435
- prec      1      9657 60318 439
- log(nox)  1     10995 61657 440
- jant      1     12455 63117 442
- nonw      1     17200 67862 446

Step:  AIC=428.73
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + hc + 
    log(nox) + log(so2) + humid

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- humid     1       672 51684 428
- jult      1      1512 52524 428
- log(so2)  1      1699 52712 429
<none>                  51013 429
- ovr65     1      1816 52829 429
- hc        1      1862 52874 429
- popn      1      6052 57064 433
- prec      1     10101 61113 438
- educ      1     10538 61551 438
- log(nox)  1     10737 61749 438
- jant      1     13041 64054 440
- nonw      1     16852 67864 444

Step:  AIC=427.51
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + hc + 
    log(nox) + log(so2)

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- jult      1       847 52531 426
- log(so2)  1      1161 52846 427
- hc        1      1248 52932 427
<none>                  51684 428
- ovr65     1      1801 53485 428
- popn      1      5567 57251 432
- prec      1      9735 61419 436
- log(nox)  1     10131 61815 436
- educ      1     10422 62106 437
- jant      1     13560 65244 439
- nonw      1     16185 67869 442

Step:  AIC=426.49
mort ~ prec + jant + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + hc + log(nox) + 

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- log(so2)  1      1024 53555 426
- hc        1      1063 53594 426
- ovr65     1      1277 53809 426
<none>                  52531 426
- popn      1      4802 57333 430
- prec      1      9117 61648 434
- educ      1      9576 62107 435
- log(nox)  1     11716 64248 437
- jant      1     13524 66055 438
- nonw      1     15419 67951 440

Step:  AIC=425.65
mort ~ prec + jant + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + hc + log(nox)

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- hc        1       959 54515 425
- ovr65     1      1306 54861 425
<none>                  53555 426
- popn      1      4006 57562 428
- prec      1      8495 62050 432
- educ      1      8553 62108 433
- nonw      1     14573 68129 438
- jant      1     14730 68285 438
- log(nox)  1     17866 71421 441

Step:  AIC=424.71
mort ~ prec + jant + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + log(nox)

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- ovr65     1      1809 56323 425
<none>                  54515 425
- popn      1      3867 58382 427
- educ      1      9051 63566 432
- prec      1     12481 66996 435
- nonw      1     14126 68641 437
- log(nox)  1     18324 72839 440
- jant      1     21424 75939 443

Step:  AIC=424.67
mort ~ prec + jant + popn + educ + nonw + log(nox)

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
<none>                  56323 425
- popn      1      2067 58391 425
- educ      1      7387 63710 430
- prec      1     11450 67773 434
- log(nox)  1     16531 72854 438
- jant      1     20400 76724 441
- nonw      1     33353 89676 451

lm(formula = mort ~ prec + jant + popn + educ + nonw + log(nox))

(Intercept)         prec         jant         popn         educ         nonw  
    1232.06         2.08        -2.38       -60.09       -16.88         4.36  
# both directions search
lm1 <- lm(mort ~ 1)
lm1 <- lm(mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + hous + dens + nonw +
         wwdrk + poor + hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid)
stepAIC(lm1, list(upper = ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + hous + dens + nonw + wwdrk + poor + hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid, lower = ~ 1), direction = "both")
Start:  AIC=435.55
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + hous + dens + 
    nonw + wwdrk + poor + hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- poor      1         1 50019 434
- hous      1       224 50243 434
- wwdrk     1       447 50465 434
- dens      1       448 50467 434
- humid     1       704 50723 434
- ovr65     1      1490 51508 435
- jult      1      1543 51562 435
<none>                  50019 436
- log(so2)  1      1758 51776 436
- hc        1      1879 51897 436
- educ      1      2667 52686 437
- popn      1      5218 55237 440
- jant      1      6882 56901 441
- prec      1      9111 59130 444
- nonw      1     10236 60255 445
- log(nox)  1     10651 60669 445

Step:  AIC=433.55
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + hous + dens + 
    nonw + wwdrk + hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- hous      1       386 50406 432
- dens      1       450 50469 432
- wwdrk     1       473 50492 432
- humid     1       728 50747 432
- jult      1      1561 51580 433
<none>                  50019 434
- ovr65     1      1703 51723 434
- log(so2)  1      1757 51776 434
- hc        1      1950 51969 434
- educ      1      2668 52687 435
+ poor      1         1 50019 436
- popn      1      5284 55304 438
- prec      1      9583 59602 442
- log(nox)  1     10672 60691 443
- jant      1     11569 61589 444
- nonw      1     13554 63573 446

Step:  AIC=432.01
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + dens + nonw + 
    wwdrk + hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- dens      1       256 50662 430
- wwdrk     1       401 50806 430
- humid     1       691 51097 431
- ovr65     1      1434 51840 432
- jult      1      1434 51840 432
<none>                  50406 432
- log(so2)  1      1774 52179 432
- hc        1      2076 52482 432
+ hous      1       386 50019 434
+ poor      1       163 50243 434
- educ      1      4067 54473 435
- popn      1      5101 55507 436
- prec      1      9231 59637 440
- log(nox)  1     10385 60791 441
- jant      1     11860 62266 443
- nonw      1     17454 67860 448

Step:  AIC=430.31
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + wwdrk + 
    hc + log(nox) + log(so2) + humid

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- wwdrk     1       351 51013 429
- humid     1       752 51414 429
- jult      1      1398 52059 430
- log(so2)  1      1630 52292 430
<none>                  50662 430
- ovr65     1      1735 52397 430
- hc        1      2141 52803 431
+ dens      1       256 50406 432
+ hous      1       193 50469 432
+ poor      1        61 50600 432
- educ      1      4949 55610 434
- popn      1      6396 57058 435
- prec      1      9657 60318 439
- log(nox)  1     10995 61657 440
- jant      1     12455 63117 442
- nonw      1     17200 67862 446

Step:  AIC=428.73
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + hc + 
    log(nox) + log(so2) + humid

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- humid     1       672 51684 428
- jult      1      1512 52524 428
- log(so2)  1      1699 52712 429
<none>                  51013 429
- ovr65     1      1816 52829 429
- hc        1      1862 52874 429
+ wwdrk     1       351 50662 430
+ dens      1       206 50806 430
+ hous      1       161 50852 431
+ poor      1       103 50909 431
- popn      1      6052 57064 433
- prec      1     10101 61113 438
- educ      1     10538 61551 438
- log(nox)  1     10737 61749 438
- jant      1     13041 64054 440
- nonw      1     16852 67864 444

Step:  AIC=427.51
mort ~ prec + jant + jult + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + hc + 
    log(nox) + log(so2)

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- jult      1       847 52531 426
- log(so2)  1      1161 52846 427
- hc        1      1248 52932 427
<none>                  51684 428
- ovr65     1      1801 53485 428
+ humid     1       672 51013 429
+ wwdrk     1       270 51414 429
+ dens      1       264 51420 429
+ poor      1       142 51542 429
+ hous      1       129 51555 429
- popn      1      5567 57251 432
- prec      1      9735 61419 436
- log(nox)  1     10131 61815 436
- educ      1     10422 62106 437
- jant      1     13560 65244 439
- nonw      1     16185 67869 442

Step:  AIC=426.49
mort ~ prec + jant + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + hc + log(nox) + 

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- log(so2)  1      1024 53555 426
- hc        1      1063 53594 426
- ovr65     1      1277 53809 426
<none>                  52531 426
+ jult      1       847 51684 428
+ wwdrk     1       434 52098 428
+ dens      1       172 52360 428
+ hous      1        89 52442 428
+ poor      1        30 52502 428
+ humid     1         7 52524 428
- popn      1      4802 57333 430
- prec      1      9117 61648 434
- educ      1      9576 62107 435
- log(nox)  1     11716 64248 437
- jant      1     13524 66055 438
- nonw      1     15419 67951 440

Step:  AIC=425.65
mort ~ prec + jant + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + hc + log(nox)

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- hc        1       959 54515 425
- ovr65     1      1306 54861 425
<none>                  53555 426
+ log(so2)  1      1024 52531 426
+ jult      1       710 52846 427
+ wwdrk     1       526 53029 427
+ hous      1       139 53416 427
+ dens      1        59 53496 428
+ poor      1        40 53515 428
+ humid     1        32 53523 428
- popn      1      4006 57562 428
- prec      1      8495 62050 432
- educ      1      8553 62108 433
- nonw      1     14573 68129 438
- jant      1     14730 68285 438
- log(nox)  1     17866 71421 441

Step:  AIC=424.71
mort ~ prec + jant + ovr65 + popn + educ + nonw + log(nox)

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
- ovr65     1      1809 56323 425
<none>                  54515 425
+ hc        1       959 53555 426
+ log(so2)  1       921 53594 426
+ jult      1       556 53959 426
+ wwdrk     1       233 54281 426
+ hous      1       221 54293 426
+ humid     1       211 54304 426
+ poor      1       109 54406 427
+ dens      1        86 54429 427
- popn      1      3867 58382 427
- educ      1      9051 63566 432
- prec      1     12481 66996 435
- nonw      1     14126 68641 437
- log(nox)  1     18324 72839 440
- jant      1     21424 75939 443

Step:  AIC=424.67
mort ~ prec + jant + popn + educ + nonw + log(nox)

           Df Sum of Sq   RSS AIC
<none>                  56323 425
+ ovr65     1      1809 54515 425
- popn      1      2067 58391 425
+ hc        1      1462 54861 425
+ log(so2)  1       928 55396 426
+ dens      1       348 55975 426
+ wwdrk     1       187 56136 426
+ humid     1       102 56222 427
+ jult      1        97 56226 427
+ poor      1        47 56277 427
+ hous      1        15 56308 427
- educ      1      7387 63710 430
- prec      1     11450 67773 434
- log(nox)  1     16531 72854 438
- jant      1     20400 76724 441
- nonw      1     33353 89676 451

lm(formula = mort ~ prec + jant + popn + educ + nonw + log(nox))

(Intercept)         prec         jant         popn         educ         nonw  
    1232.06         2.08        -2.38       -60.09       -16.88         4.36  

10.3 Exercises

Learning check

  1. Load the Boston Housing dataset from the mlbench package.
  • Use the following instructions
  • Inspect the different types of variables present.
  • Explore and visualize the distribution of our target variable medv.
  • Explore and visualize any potential correlations between medv and the variables crim, rm, age, rad, tax and lstat.
  • Set a seed of 123 and split your data into a train and test set using a 75/25 split. You may find the caret library helpful here.
  • We have seen that crim, rm, tax, and lstat could be good predictors of medv. To get the ball rolling, let us fit a linear model for these terms.
  • Obtain an R-squared value for your model and examine the diagnostic plots found by plotting your linear model.
  • We can see a few problems with our model immediately with variables such as 381 exhibiting a high leverage, a poor QQ plot in the tails a relatively poor r-squared value. Let us try another model, this time transforming medv due to the positive skewness it exhibited.
  • Examine the diagnostics for the model. What do you conclude? Is this an improvement on the first model? One assumption of a linear model is that the mean of the residuals is zero. You could try and test this.
  • Create a data frame of your predicted values and the original values.
  • Plot this to visualize the performance of your model.